Birth Consulting & Education

For women and families seeking information and tailored support.

Do you have questions about birth but don’t know where to start?

Are you seeking support in choosing the right type of provider for you?

Do you feel overwhelmed by all of the information directed at new mothers?

Are you curious about hiring a doula but unsure if you want to fully dive in?

Do you need help understanding interventions and other birth options, or crafting a birth plan?

Birth Consulting & Education is an hour-long coaching call where I hold and support you in preparing for your birth, postpartum, and beyond. I offer education and warm inquiry to help you uncover what you need to have an empowered, positive birth experience.

Birth Doula Support


  • Unlimited phone, video, and text support upon hire til baby arrives

  • Prenatal visits including emotional, spiritual and physiological support + education

  • Hands-on Reiki during prenatal visits

  • Herbal and nutritional recommendations

  • Support with preparing birth preferences/birth plans, and cultivating questions for providers

  • Reviewing medical interventions, options, risks and benefits

  • Planning for tough moments and decision-points during labor 

  • 24/7 on-call starting 2 weeks prior to your EDD and for 2 weeks after

  • Education/options for achieving a physiological birth in the hospital

Labor & Birth

  • Support and guidance on comfort measures for labor 

  • Ability to join you at your home during labor before going to birthing location

  • Emotional and psychological support for mom and partner 

  • Nonjudgmental and evidence-based care for hospital, birth center, or home births 

  • Continuous presence throughout the birth

  • Photos during labor and birth

  • Communication and collaboration with medical providers re: birth preferences to protect your family’s birthing space


  • 1 postpartum visit 

  • Telling the birth story, looking at photos, space held for processing the birth experience

  • Hands-on Reiki, meditation for healing and nurturing the body, if desired

  • Support in making a postpartum plan and setting up your postpartum sanctuary

  • Reiki + guided meditation

  • Herbal and nutritional recommendations for postpartum body and psyche

  • Resources and introduction to birth professionals in our area

Postpartum Doula Care

A postpartum doula is much more than a glorified nanny or housekeeper.

As a postpartum doula, I focus on mothering the Mother during the sensitive and important window of the first 3 months after birth.

The immediate postpartum window (in particular the first six weeks after birth) is an incredibly important and precious time for a new mother's healing and future health. How this time is treated can make a massive difference in women's ability to recover from birth injuries or trauma, for her organs to move back into their proper place, for her mental health to be sturdy, and for her to bond well with her baby. Partners are going through their own transitions and need support too.

Postpartum doula support can help ensure that new mothers receives the nurturing, nourishment, and physical tending they need to make a full recovery. My postpartum offering looks different for every family, but can include:

  • Education on the postpartum time for you and your partner, what to expect, and how best to heal

  • Helping you create a postpartum sanctuary in your home

  • Meal prep of nourishing, warming meals for mom like bone broth, stews, and kitchari

  • Herbal baths with specially selected womb-healing herbs and salts

  • Castor oil packs and gentle abdominal/womb massage

  • Belly Binding

  • Birth Storytelling and Birth Processing

  • Yoni steaming education and ceremony

  • la Cerrada (closing of the bones ceremony) following the forty day quarantena

  • Cleaning, doing dishes, organizing your kitchen, walking your dog so you can bond with your baby and rest

  • Energy healing, reiki, ceremony, and loving touch

Sample Postpartum Mama Care Package

Each Postpartum Care Package will look different depending on your birth and needs, but this gives you an idea of a possible flow.


Herbal foot bath

Birth processing & storytelling

Placenta reading and burial

Nourishing Ayurvedic Meal prep and herbal infusions


Abdominal massage and warm castor oil pack to catalyze uterine and pelvic healing

Belly binding to support the organs, pelvis and low back

Nourishing Ayurvedic Meal prep and herbal infusions


Yoni steam education and ceremony, including hand- selected healing herbs

Singing, drumming, and/or reiki (energy healing)

Nourishing Ayurvedic Meal prep and herbal infusions


Herbal and salt bath for you with your baby or solo

Abdominal massage, reiki, and plant laying

Nourishing Ayurvedic Meal prep and herbal infusions

Closing of the Bones Ceremony

a client wrapped in rebozos in closing of the bones ceremony in Boulder, Colorado

Closing of the Bones Ceremonies (or Sealing Ceremonies) are practiced all around the world, but have their origins in Mexico, Russia, and Morocco. These ceremonies create physical, emotional, and energetic closure after birth. This ceremony brings you to a place of gratitude as your body is wrapped in Rebozos, leaving you feeling connected, grounded, and grateful. This ceremony is often requested after the first 40 days postpartum to support the mother in energetically and physically closing the birth portal and integrating wisdom gleaned. Ceremony can include energy work, song, prayer, and birth processing. (1.5-2 hours total).

Blessingway Ceremony

A Blessingway Ceremony, or Mother Blessing, is a celebration of pregnancy and becoming a mother that focuses loving attention and intention on the mother-to-be. During a Blessingway, a group of the mother’s close friends will gather to honor her pregnancy and journey into motherhood. They will offer words of wisdom around preparing for birth and postpartum and often include a ceremony to mark the occasion. I facilitate Blessingways by bringing together your circle of women, crafting the flow of the ceremony (with input from you), and holding sacred space through altar creation, song, drumming, prayer and invocation. (2-3 hours total.)

Reiki Healing

Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. It is administered by "laying on hands" and is based on the idea that an unseen "life force energy" flows through us and is what causes us to be alive. If one's "life force energy" is low, then we are more likely to get sick or feel stress, and if it is high, we are more capable of being happy and healthy.

The word Reiki is made of two Japanese words - Rei which means "God's Wisdom or the Higher Power" and Ki which is "life force energy". So Reiki is actually "spiritually guided life force energy."

After many years as a patient and student of Reiki, I was initiated into Reiki by my teacher Jenny Rindler. Reiki healing can be added to any session or scheduled as an individual one-hour treatment.

Yoni Steaming

Women have been engaging in the practicing on steaming for centuries to support all aspects of reproductive health, from irregular periods to sexual function to cramps to perineal healing after birth (learn more here.)

As a steam practitioner, I support you in selecting the herbs that will be of highest benefit for your body, and teach you how to steam safely depending on your needs and goals.

For example, if you’re steaming for fertility you will need to steam in a different window of your cycle than if you’re steaming for postpartum healing.

I help you create a relaxing and ceremonial environment in your home, guide you through your steam sessions, and set you up to begin your own steam practice on your own.

yoni steam herbs for postpartum healing Boulder, CO

Packages & Investment

  • Complete Birth Doula Package: $2300

  • Birth Doula Accessibility Package: Starting at $1700 based on financial need

  • Postpartum Resourcing Package (Mama Care + meal prep, baby care, & home care): $850 for four 3 hour visits

  • Postpartum Meal Prep, Baby Care & Home Care Only (no bodywork): $50/hour + cost of groceries. 3 hr. minimum

  • Hourly & Ceremonial Offerings (La Cerrada, Steam Sessions, Healing Sessions): Please reach out to discuss based on how you would like to work together

    I have limited space each quarter to work with clients on a sliding scale basis. Please reach out if you feel called to working together but may need a sliding scale option!